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International Day for the Unreached is this Sunday! Learn More X

Encounter in the Philippines

This past June, I had the incredible opportunity to lead a team of 14 young men and women to the Philippines. On all our Encounter trips, we strive to accomplish three things: to learn, serve and experience ministry among the unreached.

During this trip, we learned so much from our global partners in the Philippines. Since we were a part of the field conference the first week, our team were able to rub shoulders with well over 100 missionaries. We ran a VBS in the morning for the missionary kids so that all the families could attend the morning sessions and learn together during their conference. Our team had sessions in the afternoons, learning about God’s heart for the nations, current field realities and more. 

The second week we headed to the southern island of Mindanao. There we spent time with the newest missionary families to hear what life looks like as they adjust to a new culture. Our team practiced language learning, participated in culture events and learned a ton that week. Then the last three days we headed to a people group that was reached with the gospel about five years ago. It was so encouraging for our team to see an infant church in the middle of nowhere and to be reminded of what truly matters. We also had the opportunity to worship with the church!

At the end of it all, the whole team expressed interest in diving into what God had in store for them. On this trip, we were all challenged to be a part of what God is doing in the world, and we were reminded not to ask, “God, what is Your will for my life?” Instead ask the better question of “God, what is Your will? And how do You want me to be a part of it?” 

Pray with us for the participants on this trip and for God to clarify their next step in reaching the unreached by going, giving or praying.

Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine, Mission Trips
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023